6 Ways to overcome the dreaded reader’s slump


Every now and again I see readers complain on social media that they can’t find a good book to read, though their tablet might be filled with books they haven’t read yet. Nothing grabs them.

For avid readers, a book slump is one of the worst things that can happen. We have plenty of books to read but not enough time, so having no desire to read any of the books on your to be read (TBR) list can be frustrating. But reading slumps are normal. Routines change (i.e. caused by a pandemic for over two years!), work gets tough, everyday life gets busier, and some things we typically make time for can require more energy than we have.

If you’re currently in a reading slump and want to leave it behind, try these 6 tips:

Reread an old favorite

Familiarity can breed comfort, and that rings true for reading as well. Sometimes you don’t have the mental bandwidth to invest in new characters. Is there an old book or series that you love? You know the one, the book(s) you recommended to at least 3 of your friends. The same one you made sure you reviewed publicly and even praised on your social media pages. It may even be the book that you made you fall in love with reading or a specific genre, the one where you have the most important scenes memorized. The book that came to mind as you read this—go get that, whether it’s on your bookshelf or in your e-library. Fall in love with your favorite fictional families again. Cuddle up and brace yourself for the parts where you may cry your eyes out due to the angst or smile widely because of the HEA you know is coming.

Try a different genre

This is one of my personal favorite ways to get out of a slump. I read a lot of contemporary romance, but if I’m not in the mood for that, there are plenty of other options on my Kindle. Historical romance can be a nice change, and outside the romance genre, mysteries and thrillers are my go-to. Sometimes getting away from your comfort reads could be just what you need to jumpstart your excitement for reading again, so don’t hesitate to give a different genre a try.

Change the method

Sometimes we may need to change the medium by which we consume information to make it a little more exciting. Used to a paperback? Try an e-reader or the reading app on your phone. Audiobooks may be a great alternative as well. Being able to consume a book on your commute to work or maybe while you’re out running errands could be just what you need. You can read while on the go yet with minimal distractions. You may find narrators whose voices you love that’ll introduce you to new authors and books, as well. 

Join a book club

Are book clubs still a thing? Yep, they sure are. Whether you create one with a group of friends or join an already established group—a book club may be just what you need. Knowing there are set dates where you’ll need to meet and discuss a book will serve as a catalyst to at least start reading the first 10 pages of a new book. You can find bookclubs in your neighborhood, the library, and at bookstores.

If you can’t meet in person, an online book club could satisfy the need for human interaction and help you discover new authors and books to enjoy. My Readers Lounge has a bookclub format. In addition to discussing my books, every month readers vote for the book they’d like to read, based on the month’s theme. For example, this month we’re reading a romantic suspense. We read the books and then use the Spoiler Thread to discuss themes, favorite passages, and villains. Then we invite the author for a conversation to gain more in depth knowledge about the novel.

Read something short

Sometimes when we’re in a reading slump, one of the most daunting things about getting out of it can be the sheer number of pages in a new book. This is where novella and short stories can come to the rescue. A tale in under 100 pages might be just what the book doctor ordered.

Change your environment

Many avid readers have a specific spot where they prefer to read. Maybe you prefer to read in bed or on your living room couch. Try switching it up a little. Read in your recliner or at the kitchen table. Need a little sun? Try by the pool in the afternoon or at a park nearby.


Have you experienced a book slump before? How did you overcome it?

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